
Lead aprons have been used in the medical field for years to protect doctors and patients from being exposed to radiation from the x-ray beams. But are lead aprons really important? Ever imagined what would happen if you didn’t use lead aprons during dental x-ray procedures?

In this blog post, we will discuss everything you need to know about the importance of using lead aprons and what can happen without a lead apron during dental X-ray procedures.

Dental X-rays and lead aprons

Dental x-rays are one of the easiest ways for dentists to evaluate your oral health condition, prevent future oral health issues from developing and understand the most suitable form of treatment for certain dental concerns.

However, according to research, there are certain health risks that come along with dental X-rays, which is why a lead apron is very necessary during such procedures.

What is a lead apron?

Wondering what a lead apron is? Well, it’s a type of primary radiation protective piece of garment used during dental X-ray procedures.

Lead aprons are made of thin rubber materials on the outside and lead on the inside.
The protection provided by these radiation protective garments is approximately the same as 0.25 – to 1-mm thick lead. And did you know that a lead apron with 0.5-mm thickness can attenuate approximately 90% or more of the scatter radiation?

Why should you use a lead apron during dental X-rays?

A lead apron protects your internal organs and other essential parts of the body during dental X-ray procedures, which may become exposed to radiation if the protective gear is not used. It works by blocking the radiation before it reaches the inner parts of your body while not hindering the results of dental X-rays.

Even though dental X-rays are performed in and around the oral area, chances are there that radiation exposure can occur in lower parts of the body. And this is the reason why lead aprons are important during dental x-rays.

What can happen if you don’t use a lead apron?

If you fail to use a lead apron, your body is at risk of radiation exposure. One of the most concerning risks of radiation exposure during dental x-rays includes long-term effects, such as DNA changes to sperm or eggs that can be passed down from the parent to the offspring. However, these long-term risks are comparatively less when dealing with minimal levels of radiation exposure.

Perhaps more prevalent, research says that dental X-rays can also cause nausea, headaches, and even fever in patients when a lead apron is not used.

Where to find the best lead aprons in Kerala?

If you are looking for the best dental radiology products in Calicut or Kerala, you’ve come to the right place. We are the leading digital dental and medical x-ray suppliers in Kerala and offer best-in-class services for low to high-volume X-ray departments in small private clinics to large corporate and government hospitals.

If you have any queries about dental x-rays and lead aprons or the services we offer, let us know in the comment section below!